Frequently asked questions

What is ENT ?

ENT is an abridgement for ear, nose and throat. It is one of the oldest surgical sub-specialities. In recent times it is also referred to as Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (ORL/HNS). This is derived from Latin: oto (ear), rhino (nose), larynx (throat) and -logy (study of). The speciality deals with all diseases, disorders and abnormalities related to ears, nose and throat. It also covers the entire head and neck region except for areas covered by neurosurgeons (brain surgeons), ophthalmologists (eye surgeons) and dentists.

How can I get referred?

Best option is to request your GP to refer because they know your history. You can also make an appointment directly with our office on (09) 925 4050.

How quickly can I access treatment?

You need to discuss the nature of the problem with my secretary, she will discuss with me and make a booking ASAP.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your consultation or surgery varies depending on your condition. Initial consultation charges vary from $200 to $360. The amount covered by your health insurance depends on the policy you hold. Common health insurance policies will cover 80% or more of the costs. My secretary will be able to inform you of approximate costs. You can also contact your health insurance company to obtain information on what and how much cover is provided by your policy.

Public or private treatment?

In New Zealand you can access both private and public systems through a referral from your GP. Urgent and life threatening problems will be promptly addressed in both sectors. For non-urgent conditions and elective operations there may be a waiting time in the public sector. These cases will be seen quicker in the private system.

What happens if we don't have insurance?

My secretary will be able to tell you what will be the best and most efficient way to access treatment both in the public and private sector. You will be able to make an informed decision depending of the urgency of the surgical problem. First consultation charges vary from $200 to $360 for a consultation.

What about cosmetic nasal and ear surgery?

I do perform cosmetic and functional nasal surgery and protruding ear (Bat ear) surgery. Surgery and treatment options are tailored to individual needs which are best discussed at initial consultation. I do not perform face lift surgery or Botox injections.

What are the common conditions that are dealt in the specialty?

Ear infections, hearing loss, tonsillitis, snoring, sore throats, blocked nose, broken nose, crocked nose, nasal polyps, sinusitis, hoarse voice, benign and malignant growth in nose or throat, thyroid lumps, salivary gland lumps and more. You can contact my secretary for further information regarding whether we manage your particular problem.

Murali Mahadevan

Specialist ENT Surgeon

For all enquiries and appointments call (09) 925 4050

Suite A, Level 1, Kakariki Hospital
9 Marewa Road
Greenlane, Auckland 1051

Facsimile: (09) 925 4051

Only general information is provided on this web site and is not intended as advice or a consultation. Please read our full disclaimer.

Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons